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Don’t feed the cancer!

  • October 20, 2021
  • Health
  • 0comments

We all know how exactly the Cancer impacts people’s lives and it is such a dreaded disease that you wouldn’t wish it on your worst enemy. That’s the reason why crores of rupees are being spent on educating us on the pitfalls and dangers of tobacco, which is a carcinogen (an agent that can cause cancer). Shockingly, many people get cancer from food and obesity than tobacco.

What is Cancer?

Cancer is caused by an error during cell division in a single cell. We have trillions of cells and they divide billions of times. Cancer tumours are omnipresent, but our immune system keeps them in check.

Present lab techniques can detect cancer only when it multiplies to over a billion cells at that time it would weigh about one gram. Microscopic cancers are undetectable by present screening technology.

Remember – Life is too complicated for science to have all the answers

The following Pie Diagram illustrates this: 


  • Tobacco – 25 to 30%
    • Diet – 30 to 35%
    • Obesity – 10 to 20%
    • Alcohol – 4 to 6%
    • Infections – 15 to 20%
    • Others – 10 to 15%

Cut the blood supply to the tumour:

Tumours can grow only if they get sufficient blood supply, by creating new blood vessels to get the required blood. The technical name for this is Angiogenesis. Cancer patients are treated with anti-angiogenic drugs, but there are severe side effects to those drugs. Fortunately, there are anti-angiogenic foods which we can all have whether we have cancer or not, because the same angiogenesis could be involved in obesity.

Eat to starve the cancer:


Another weapon we have in our arsenal to fight cancer is the type of energy we feed to our cells. Normal cells can use either carbohydrates in the form of glucose or fat in the form of ketones. But cancer cells thrive only on glucose. This is one of the reasons why cancer is called a metabolic disease. So, if we change our diet to a ketogenic diet, we might be able to starve the cancer. If that weren’t enough, a ketogenic diet could also give you a flat tummy, a sharper brain, and less fatigue.

Remember, cancer is not that forgiving. It could take over 20 to 30 years to strike, but it strikes when you are most vulnerable and when you least expect it, i.e., during your silver years. And it is not a cheap disease like diabetes, neither is it as painless as diabetes.

When cancer strikes, the patient is in agony through both the disease and the treatment, while their loved ones stare at financial ruin and heartbreak.

The table below shows how the risk of cancer increases exponentially with age.

50-59</class=”jet-table__cell elementor-repeater-item-0fcac22 jet-table__body-cell”>

1:20</class=”jet-table__cell elementor-repeater-item-f66dd09 jet-table__body-cell”>

Age / Decade Risk Of Developing Cancer
60-69</class=”jet-table__cell elementor-repeater-item-944fc7d jet-table__body-cell”> 1:10</class=”jet-table__cell elementor-repeater-item-06795f8 jet-table__body-cell”> 70-79</class=”jet-table__cell elementor-repeater-item-20e68e2 jet-table__body-cell”> 1:5</class=”jet-table__cell elementor-repeater-item-fcd096f jet-table__body-cell”> 80-89</class=”jet-table__cell elementor-repeater-item-02a75b9 jet-table__body-cell”> 1:3</class=”jet-table__cell elementor-repeater-item-9cc9a84 jet-table__body-cell”>


Here’s how we can help:

All we say is look after yourself now, so that your silver years turn into golden ones. Our professionals will help you lead a healthy lifestyle with the help of below mentioned plan of action.

  1. We analyze your medical reports from a nutrition standpoint and recommend a course of action
  2. We help you make your medication more effective with appropriate nutrition and reduce your medications and maybe even help in reversing your lifestyle related ailments
  3. We use Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to transition you into a lifestyle that is conducive for your LSDs. We also use Scientific Mind and Body Processes that can reduce the medical condition or even reverse the condition

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