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Worried about pain and aches? You should read this!

What is pain?

Pain is a very general term that describes uncomfortable sensations in the body and stems from the activation of the nervous system. In other words, it is an unpleasant sensation and allows the body to react and prevent further tissue damage. It can be short or long term and stay in one place or spread around the body.


Arthritis has become very common these days and it’s types can make the victims truly suffer – Osteoarthritis can wear down the knees, Rheumatoid Arthritis can twist and deform the fingers and Gout can make the simple act of walking an agony.

The pain is called inflammation and is a part of the body’s defence mechanism, which refers to the body’s response to injury, including injury to the blood vessels. Brief details of inflammation, which may involve pain, redness, warmth, swelling and loss of function in the affected tissues are as follows:


Inflammation is the process by which our immune system kills disease-causing bacteria or removes toxins from the body.  But sometimes, our immune system becomes overactive and creates inflammation to destroy our own cells. That is when inflammation can become our enemy. Many major diseases that plague us – including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, depression and Alzheimer’s – have been linked to chronic inflammation.

Role of PUFAs in Inflammation:

PUFAs (Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids) are of two types: N-6 and N-3. They work as on/off switches for inflammation where N-6 switches the inflammation ‘on’ and N-3 switches the inflammation ‘off’. So, the proper balance between these two PUFAs is necessary to keep us free from aches and pains.

But sometimes this balance gets upset and causes inflammation, which is totally unnecessary. Restoring the balance between these two PUFAs by reducing the consumption of N-6 PUFAs, which in India is mainly from cooking oils like Sunflower oil and by increasing the consumption of N-3 PUFAs through the consumption of greens, flaxseed and fish oil can help us reduce aches and pains.

A body in perpetual pain is like an electric bulb that is switched on all day due to a faulty switch.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and its medication:

Goals of the RA treatments are:

  1. To reduce joint inflammation and pain
  2. Maximize joint function
  3. To prevent joint destruction and deformity

Following medications are used to achieve the above goals:

  1. Painkillers like Aspirin and steroids
  2. Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs such as Methotrexate and Hydroxychloroquine

The following side effects associated with RA medication are the result of painkillers and are not due to anti-rheumatic drugs:

  1. Weight gain
  2. Facial puffiness
  3. Thinning of the skin and bone
  4. Easy bruising
  5. Cataracts
  6. Risk of infection
  7. Muscle wasting
  8. Destruction of large joints, such as the hips

Here’s how we can help:

All we say is – a balanced diet, regular exercise and healthy weight are the key things to prevent aches and pains. And, our experts can help you out with these things.

  1. We analyze your medical reports from a nutrition standpoint and recommend a course of action
  2. We help you make your medication more effective with appropriate nutrition and help reduce your medications and maybe even help in reversing your lifestyle related ailments
  3. We use Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to transition you into a lifestyle that is conducive for your LSDs.
  4. We also use Scientific Mind and Body Processes that can reduce the medical condition or even reverse the condition

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