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Types of obesity and how to overcome them

What is obesity?

Obesity is a medical condition when excess fat is accumulated to the extent that it can be harmful to health. It is simply being overweight as per BMI (Body Mass Index) more than 30. It is common but is associated with a higher risk for serious diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Reasons for obesity:

In a simple way, eating more calories than you can burn in daily activity or with exercise can lead to obesity. When this happens on a long-term, these calories add up eventually and cause weight gain. We have summed up a list of causes of obesity. Read below.

1.Cushing syndrome
2.Inadequate sleep
4.PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
5.Osteoarthritis (OA)
8.Growing older
9.Difference between obesity and overweight:

Many get confused between obesity and overweight. But there is a basic difference between both of them and is based on BMI.

Overweight is defined as a BMI of 25.0 to 29.9 kg/m2. To be classified as obese, a patient must have a BMI of 30.0 or greater. (Normal BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9.)

Importance of good quality nutrition for healthy lifestyle:

It is always advisable to maintain a proper diet including all nutrients, vitamins and minerals. To be crystal clear, one should always opt for well-balanced meals.

1.Always prefer foods with nutrients in a low-calorie format that suit your body type
2.Pick foods that help to maintain normal blood sugar (70 to 110) level to the extent possible
3.Also, consume foods that support your lifestyle
4.In case if you are little lost, below are the lead indicators that maintain blood sugar.
6.Glycemic Load
7.Protein quantity in each meal
8.N6:N3 Ratio <10
9.Cooking oil
10.Complications of obesity:

Shockingly, obesity can lead to more than simple weight gain and also been linked to a number of health complications. These can be life threatening if not treated on time. Below are the complications. Read on.

Type 2 diabetes
2.Heart disease
3.High blood pressure
5.High cholesterol
6.Fatty liver
8.Gallbladder disease
9.Cancers like breast, colon and endometrial
How can it be treated?

Always remember that medical help is mandatory and is also available if you have obesity and been unable to lose weight on your own. Consult a weight specialist and get it treated in a right way! The experts can help you by diverting you on making needed lifestyle changes.

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