
Do you see red meat the way a bull sees a red rag?

If I received a rupee every time I heard that red meat is bad and chicken is good for the heart, I would have been a millionaire by now. This advice, which is based on American conditions, is quite misleading under Indian conditions.

Myth 1: Red meat is bad for the heart.

Fact: Red meat from grain fed animals is bad for the heart, while meat from the grass fed animals is healthy.

Grass is a natural feed for animals like goats. It feeds the bacteria in their stomach, which produce a kind of fat that protects the heart. Our red meat comes from animals that graze so their meat is heart protective. Commonly available red meat in the U.S.A. comes from grain fed animals whose fat causes heart attacks. During some part of the year, grass fed mutton is available there, but it is more expensive than their organic beef.

So eat red meat with fat and let it help your heart. 

Myth 2: White meat is good for heart.

Fact:White meat is a known cause of inflammatory diseases

White meat in India generally means farm fish and chicken, which are grown in a congested environment with lots of grain. The meat from them is called CAFO meat. CAFO stands for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. CAFO meats even in the U.S.A. are considered bad for health. In India, the uncontrolled use of antibiotics in the production of CAFO meats is an additional health hazard. So donot be fooled by the color of the meat. In excess amounts, it may gift you with inflammatory diseases such as knee pains, BP and asthma.